Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Suffer little children

Grace & Peace!

We are in the season of harvest at BWT!

The month of April we celebrated our beautiful Co-Pastor 1st Lady Sherryl W. Dixon.  We are so blessed to have an example on the epitome of elegance & class. We extend our deepest love and gratitude to you Lady Dixon!

May is YOUTH MONTH! Youth at BWT are ages 0-40 and we invite everyone to participate. The schedule is as follows:

May 4, BWT will host a fish fry from 10am-2pm.
May7-9, Elder Darnell Dixon, Jr. will be our nightly speaker for our Revival
May 12, Youth ages 13 & up will have a Teen Summit
May 18, Movie Night for our 12 & under youth begins at 7pm
May 20, Youth Sunday!!  Youth are asked to wear bright tops and black bottoms.

We hope to see you during the month; We are too busy loving you to talk about you.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Thus saith the Lord

Grace & Peace!

During the month of March, Bishop Darnell Dixon has brought forth a word each and every week as he has been preaching and teaching on the subject of "grace". Messages have included:

'Growing in Grace'; Favor connected to love & trust, one must be perfectly acquainted with God!
'Illumination of Grace'; The spirit of creativity increases your light!
'Established Grace'; God's desire is to establish in your life His splendor!
'Collateral Grace'; You will get better because of your pain!

Bibleway Temple is reaping the harvest during this season. The altar is open and the saints are in the presence of the Lord. Glory!

Bible Way Temple is preparing for our Holy Week Revival. Join us April 2-4 at 7:30pm where the guest speaker will be Pastor James Rowson.  On Thursday April 5th, Mother Zuleen Brown will lead us in our Prayer Service.  The revival will conclude Friday, April 6th @ 7:30pm for Good Friday Service. Bishop Dixon will be making the Anointing Oil. You do not want to miss a single night.

Come out and hear what thus saith the Lord!

In Jesus name, Amen

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Don't miss it

Grace & peace!  There are only two more nights left of this dynamic conference.  Bibleway has been on fire since the first night and the praise can only go higher. You do not want to miss it; the worst place to be is where God was!!!!  Bishop Darnell Dixon, Lady Sherryl Dixon & the entire Bibleway Temple welcome you to worship with us at 7:30 pm.
1110 Holmes St.
Raleigh, NC
We hope to see you there!!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Power of the Gospel Bible Conference

Join us all week at 7:30 pm for the Power of Gospel Bible Conference! Come hear what thus saith the Lord concerning you!  You do not want to miss it; see you there!!!!

The 1st night of the Power of the Gospel Bible Conference was AWESOME!  Bishop Wesley McLaughlin preached out of the depths of his soul. "Don't let em stop you!"  Come out tonight with Bishop James Woodson from Greensboro, NC

The just shall live by faith!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Isaiah 60

Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of Lord is risen upon thee.  Isn't it amazing what God has for us and how He sees us?  The illumination of God is upon us waiting to shine brightly for us all to see. Verse 2 says that even though darkness shall cover the earth the Lord shall arise and his glory shall be seen. Hallelujah!

Let us arise!

In Jesus name, Amen

Friday, February 3, 2012

Romans 1:17

Grace & Peace,

 The just shall live by faith.   The Bible speaks volumes about faith.  Hebrews 11 defines what faith is and gives several accounts and examples. Faith the size of just a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20 or Luke 17:6) can begin your walk into receiving the unmerited favor of God.  Walk on by faith each day!

In Jesus name, Amen

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Illumination of grace

Grace & peace,

The illumination of  grace is the increased light of the Holy Ghost.  Maintain & sustain creativity so that you will receive the favor of God.    The Word of God states in Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for the light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.  As your light increases the inward Holy Ghost shines through.

Continue to let your light shine!

In Jesus name, Amen

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Growing in grace (2 Peter 3:18)

Grace & Peace,

What is grace?  Each new day we see is brought by grace. Preparations are made without a thought of not seeing the next day. "I'll do this or that tomorrow."  There is a belief (faith) that when our bodies lay down to sleep at night, we will meet the next morning. We are given the gift of life and God expects nothing in return. Grace is what is given to man when faith (belief in God) cannot be penetrated. When God becomes the center of our lives and we know the love, joy, and peace of this personal relationship, we then receive grace.  Grace is a gift. At BibleWay Temple, we are taught that grace is the unmerited favor to undeserving man.  This grace is freely given! There is a marriage of faith and grace, we are shown this in the Word that declares, 'For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: (Ephesians 2:8).

Grace be with you.

In Jesus name, Amen